

#Grilled #Vegetable #Kabobs #with #Fajita #Butter

Grilled Vegetable Kabobs with Fajita Butter
#Grilled #Vegetable #Kabobs #with #Fajita #Butter

Grilled Vegetable Kabobs: A healthy vegetarian skewer recipe loaded with fresh summer veggies and “fajita butter.” A fabulous side dish for picnics!

Summer Vegetables
Grilled Vegetable Kabobs made with summer vegetables!

Summer vegetables should be celebrated, don’t you think?
We wait all year long for corn on the cob to be sweet and juicy. Zucchini and peppers are never as crisp and flavorful as they are in the summer months.

This is the time to make the most of our veggies and eat them in large quantities. Plus that fresh, crisp taste is also healthy for us, win!


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